The scale sucks…we get on it one day and it’s up…we diet hard and really good and the scale seemingly goes nowhere.
You start bitching and moaning and saying to yourself…This isn’t working
You get so frustrated and you feel like you aren’t making any progress…so you want to give up
This is exactly how Rachel felt UNTIL
She tried on her clothes
She’s down 3 pants sizes in just about 2 weeks!
Sometimes you forget that the scale doesn’t really tell us the full story. When you are trying to reshape your body you need to look at other things
Like your clothes!
So in just about 2 weeks, Rachel has been
Starting to learn how Nutrition Works
She has been eating more lean protein
Started Strength training
And all of this has begun to
Completely reshape her body and get her closer to her goal
The same can happen to you if you take the right actions (like clicking the button below)
Personal Training in Oyster Bay The Ultimate Guide to AB Fitness
If you’re looking to get stronger, feel energized, and achieve your fitness goals without spending endless hours in the gym, AB Fitness in Oyster Bay