
14 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

1.Everyone benefits from a coach/advisor/mentor/consultant: no matter what business you’re in, if you want to get better, you hire a coach. Even top executives, the worlds best marketers and professional athletes hire a coach to help them level up. Think of a personal trainer as your very own consultant to help you get back to feeling like a younger version of yourself.

2. Change is good: if you aren’t happy with where your fitness is headed (can you still do the things you want to be able to do?), that means it’s time to change it up. If you’ve been doing it on your own and you aren’t happy with the results, hire a professional to mix it up and get some different results

3. Get results faster: A trainer will put together a program that’s efficient and challenges you just enough. Not to mention, when others are around, you tend to push just a little bit harder. That’s going to get you to your desired result a bit faster than doing it on your own

4. Get comfortably outside your comfort zone: If you tend to go to the gym and stay in your comfort zone, a trainer can help to ease you out of that and build your confidence in your abilities. Once you get on a roll, you’ll just want to keep going!

5. More accountability: When there is someone counting on you to be at a session, it’s a LOT harder to back out. A trainer will give you the extra nudge you need to get to the sessions you aren’t exactly excited about going to.

6. No decisions to make: All day long you make decisions. What to wear, how to handle your work project, what to do about dinner, etc. Now imagine stepping into a gym and having to decide what you need to do that day. Chances are you waste a bunch of time and fall back to the same ol routine, When you have a trainer, you don’t have to think about any of that. Just show up at your session, and he/she’ll tell you exactly what you should do that day.

7. Know you’re doing it right: How many times have you wondered if you’re doing an exercise the right way? A professional will keep an eye on you, tell you what looks good and let you know what you can correct.

8. Work around injuries: If you’ve been neglecting your fitness because of low back pain, knee arthritis or shoulder stiffness, get in touch with a professional who can help you work around those aches and pains, and maybe even help you get to a point where you don’t have them any more. I can think of a dozen members who came to us hobbled by injuries and afraid they were a life sentence, only to realize a few months later that those injuries don’t affect their lives anymore.

9. More “buy-in”: Let’s face it, sometimes you need to invest in something if you want to improve it. If you have a $10/month gym membership, you probably wouldn’t give it a second thought if you didn’t use it. On the other hand, if you know you’re investing $300-$500 a month (or more!) on training, it stings a lot more if you’re missing those sessions.

10. Puts workouts on your calendar: It’s easier to get to your workouts in when they’re on your schedule. Instead of saying “I’ll workout 3 times this week,” it becomes “I have a workout at 5:30 on Monday Wednesday and Friday this week.” Those vague “gotta get to the gym at some point” promises have a tendency of falling off as the week gets busy. A workout on the calendar makes it 10x more likely you do it.

11. See your accomplishments: a good trainer is great at helping you celebrate milestones. Your first chinup, no hands on your knee when getting up from the floor, or your 100th workout… you’ll have someone to celebrate with, and you’ll have the motivation to move on to the next milestone.

12. Know you’re using the right muscles: The number 1 question we get at the gym is “Where am I supposed to feel this?” Trainers know what muscle groups are supposed to be doing the work in a certain exercise, and will help you feel the work in the right places. This is really important because it means you’re training your muscles to work together nicely, and helps you avoid straining muscles that might be taking on too much work.

13. Someone to get you excited about exercise: Trainers and members have a personal relationship. You know each other’s habits, favorite meals, kids’ names and next vacations. If you’re working with a trainer who hears you, inspires you and pushes you appropriately, you’re going to be more excited to go see that person.

14. A well-rounded program: What’s more important, strength or cardio? The truth is, they’re both important. So if you’re only including one type of workout in your routine, you’ll be missing out on the benefits of the other. Trainers will encourage you to get each end of that spectrum so you can see the benefits of both.

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