Hate to be the one to say it, but here is the hard truth
On why your body isn’t changing despite your best efforts:
1️⃣ You aren’t in a calorie deficit.
- You’re sneaking bites, licks, and sips, and you think, “I eat the same thing every day, so I don’t need to log it.”
- These calories add up fast! Licks, sips, and bites can total an extra 300 calories a day!
2️⃣ You are paralyzed by what the scale says.
- You let the scale dictate your feelings.
- If your weight spikes from water retention, you freak out, get frustrated, and cheat. Then you feel guilty and start again on Monday.
3️⃣ You care more about “burning calories doing cardio” than lifting heavy weights.
- Cardio is reactive, not proactive.
- Think of it like antibiotics from the doctor: it helps temporarily but doesn’t address the root cause.
- Weight training is like eating fruits and veggies—it strengthens your metabolism and overall body by retaining muscle!
4️⃣ You are impatient, inconsistent, and “all or nothing.”
- Sorry to say it, but many people think dieting for one week should yield massive results.
- Healthy weight loss is slow—0.5 to 2 lbs a week of pure body fat is ideal.
- Want to lose 20 lbs of body fat? That’ll take 20-40 weeks of CONSISTENT work. If you’re only 50% compliant, it’ll take double the time!
This is why we teach our clients to make this a lifestyle.
This is why we educate them and explain these hard truths!
If you’re unhappy with how you look despite your efforts, it’s time to take a good look in the mirror and address these 4 big factors.
And if you want help with any of this, just click the button below! ✌️