
5 Things to Avoid to Reshape Your Body for Good

Hating the way your body has been looking and feeling lately?
Does it seem to be getting worse? Well so did our client. We implemented these 5 things to completely reshape the way she looked!

Stop doing Cardio- that’s right all that cardio you are doing isn’t helping! When you do a lot of cardio you end up burning muscle mass and that makes you look flabby.

Start eating 40-50g of protein within the first hour of waking up.
Protein is a food that our body can not store…our bodies can store carbs and fats but not protein. Protein helps supply your body with all the essential amino acids necessary to retain the most active tissues in your body…muscle
It will also help to curb your appetite!

Do Barbell Squats, Deadlifts, Bench presses, Inverted Rows, and Overhead presses!
When done CORRECTLY these movements will help stimulate a lot of your muscles. Doing these movements over time will lead you to be more tone, defined, and stronger than ever

Have Protein with every meal
When you sit down to eat you need to make sure the base of the meal is protein. Higher protein diets have been shown to be more effective at reshaping your body long term. Aim for 1g per pound of body weight

Stop having cheat meals
Out of the 7 days in a week…if you start having cheat meals Friday and then that continues Sat and Sunday…that’s 3 days out of the week or more than half! 1 cheat day can ruin 1 week’s worth of progress. So this is why every week you don’t see the scale move because week after week you are just taking off the weight you are gaining from the weekends!
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